
Frequently Asked Questions of Our Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

What Is Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing home abuse encompasses more than just physical harm. It includes any action or neglect that causes harm or distress to a resident, such as withholding medical care, emotional abuse, financial exploitation, and more. It’s crucial to monitor your loved one’s health and well-being closely, as abuse can manifest in various forms, from pressure sores and unexplained injuries to significant changes in mood or behavior.

Can I Afford a Nursing Home Attorney?

Cost Concerns: Many families worry about the cost of hiring an attorney. Our firm operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay nothing upfront. Our fees, typically ranging from 33 1/3rd to 40% of the gross recovery, are only collected if we win your case, ensuring justice is accessible to you.

What Compensation Can Be Expected for Nursing Home Abuse Injuries?

Compensation Factors: The value of a nursing home abuse case varies widely based on many factors, including the nature and extent of the injuries. While each case is unique, settlements often reach six figures ($100,000+), with potential for more if the case goes to trial. Compensation can cover pain, suffering, medical expenses, and more.

What Good Will Money Damages Do?

The Power of Financial Damages: While no amount of money can undo the harm caused, financial damages serve two critical purposes. They provide necessary support and relief to victims and their families, and importantly, they act as a deterrent against future negligence by impacting the nursing home’s bottom line.

If We Signed an Arbitration Agreement, Can We Still Sue?

Navigating Arbitration Agreements: While common, arbitration agreements do not strip you of your rights. Our experienced attorneys have successfully challenged these agreements, and even in cases where arbitration is enforced, we’re adept at litigating within this framework to secure justice for our clients.

Will You Handle My Case in My State?

Geographic Coverage: Our firm has a broad reach, with attorneys admitted in various states. For cases outside our direct admission, we can represent you through a pro hac vice arrangement or partner with local counsel, ensuring expert representation regardless of location, at no extra cost to you.

I’m Not Sure I Have a Case; Should I Still Contact Bedsore.Law?

Initial Consultations: Absolutely. It’s always worth discussing your situation with our knowledgeable team. We offer free consultations to evaluate your case, provide guidance, and help you understand your legal options, even if it turns out you don’t have a case.

How Can I Report a Negligent Nursing Home?

Reporting Negligence: Reporting a negligent nursing home is a crucial step towards accountability. Our firm can guide you in reporting to the appropriate state agencies, ensuring your complaint is heard and acted upon, and we offer resources on our website to assist in this process.

Is It My Fault for Putting My Parent in a Nursing Home?

Addressing Guilt: Many families struggle with guilt, but it’s essential to recognize that the responsibility for providing safe, adequate care lies with the nursing home. Placing a loved one in a facility does not absolve it of its duties; abuse and neglect are never justifiable.

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